Both hands on the wheel. 10 and 2. Especially in the rain.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The day I almost got dropped in the 1st 500 meters of a road race

It was a Saturday in Greenville. Last Saturday. I went on to get dropped for real not that many meters later. I didn't get lapped though. I got the hell out of there. I can laugh about getting lapped once in my life. But twice...I'm just not going to let that happen. Not on my watch. It's gonna be a great year. I can feel it.


kim potter said...
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kim potter said...

how many times has Imposter lapped you on training rides? many? how rich are you? very? how often is darren correct? always?

Anonymous said...

i have a feeling that is not going to help the impostor's chances for a week free from heckling.

The Amateur said...

never. not very. rarely. who is this, yoda?

congrats on the win this weekend.