Both hands on the wheel. 10 and 2. Especially in the rain.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

30 Hour Week (or something)

It looked good on paper about 8 weeks ago. In fact, it looked fine until about 8 days ago. Thirty hours on paper turned into about 8 on the bike. I'm an amateur, and it's important that I stay that way.

Here are a few important stats from the last week or so:

Number of hours I planned on riding last week: 30
Number of hours I actually rode last week: 8
Number of liters of Beam the Mainstay drank solo on Tuesday for the Sugar Bowl: 1
Number of points the Dawgs put up on Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl: 41
Number of times I turned left when the group went straight and I t-boned D: 1
Number of times Chaz pointed out one hole & hit another & almost crashed me: 1
Number of cases of Belgian beer I received for Christmas: 4 (+ 1 Big Chouffe)

Number of Belgians TG claims he drank before dinner at Brickstore on Sunday: 6
Number of rides I did with TG last week: 1
Number of times I got beaten by TG in a downhill county-line sprint: 3
Number of teeth on my chainring when it happened: 53
Number of teeth on TG's chainring when it happened: 39
Number of times TG has won a real sprint: 0
Number of times I EVER will: 0

I'm not really sure what that means. I think it means I could lose a sprint in a solo break.


Trash Man said...

Sorry I was unable to ride 5hrs with you on New Year's Eve. As a true amateur there was no way training was going to get in the way of boozing...

The Amateur said...

Solid excuse. You have a hall pass. Of course The Amateur rode 6 hrs then boozed himself into oblivion, passing out before the New Year. True amateur in every sense of the word.

the mainstay said...

Both ya'll are truly amateurs. I may be a pro after my NYE. Got home at 6:30am on the 1st, then slept 'til noon and had 2 bloody mary's. Went back to bed and got up at 5 and started boozing. By the 4th quarter of the game, my liter bottle of beam was empty. Does that make me a pro, or just an alcoholic???

Museeuw said...

Wow looks like you may go pro soon after that training week. Looks like something I used to do.