Both hands on the wheel. 10 and 2. Especially in the rain.

Friday, February 6, 2009

SIDS- It's not just for babies anymore.

Seriously, what the fuck is going on? It's like SIDS for grown-ups over there. But let's not jump to conclusions. This sort of thing happens all the time...perfectly healthy, elite-trained 21 year-old guys just dying in their sleep. No warning, no 58% hematocrit, no nothing. Total shock to everyone. Always is. I can guarantee he wasn't surprised that he didn't wake up...but now everyone else (management, riders, et al) has to act with utter shock and dismay in order to cover their own asses. Offensively pseudo naive quote of the day- "Nolf called his parents and said, 'Tomorrow, I will race hard, I will give it a try.' There were no signs that he was ill or sick." Never is...

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